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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Picking Up the Pieces

Trying again with the blog thing.

My name, for the sake of internetz-world, and any number of people or robots that might come across the words flying across it, is Portia Confidential.  :-D  Safety is important to my Mom.

Who is Portia?  She is the goddess of Justice.  She carries the scales in her hands.  I personally identify with this symbolism very much so, because by birth I am a double libra, and I feel that I am trying to play in a world with an uneven field.  I'd like to make that field more even, if I can.  I am consciously attempting to become better.  Here is a cool nifty link to Portia here...(opens in a new window....if you actually read this page, I'd Love to hear your thoughts.)